Welcome to Good Shepherd Episcopal School
Registration for the After School Enrichment Programs are now open!
TwosThreesFoursBridging Kindergarten
For more information Download Brochure
Thank you for visiting our website.
We are delighted for the opportunity to share Good Shepherd Episcopal School with you.
Our Mission
Within a nurturing Christian community,
Good Shepherd Episcopal School builds in each child the foundation for good character and a lifelong love of learning.
Since 1945, countless children and their families have called GSES home, and we are committed to making sure GSES will be here for generations to come.
Our Episcopal Identity Affirms:
- Our commitment to excellence in teaching and of quality in learning.
- Our service to those in need in our own community and to the broader community.
- Our belief in the values of respect and responsibility within the context of the Episcopal Church.
- Our belief in leadership and stewardship for service in the world.
- Our acceptance of all people provides the foundation for educational excellence.